As the sun goes into a peak time of solar activity I’m very concerned &nabout the latest news from NASA. A chunk of the sun is missing and heading toward earth at 2 million miles per hour. It’s an astonishing 80 times bigger than earth


"MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, hacker-fugitive and former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, revealed Tuesday that a series of solar flares is set to occur in September, killing hundreds of millions of people. Documents provided by Snowden prove that, as of 14 years ago, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) remote viewers knew that the event was inevitable. Ever since, the world’s governments have quietly been trying to prepare for the sweeping global famine to result.

http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2307691/pg5">http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2307691/pg5</a><br />

These kinds of holes are typical of the sun, although scientists have not been unable thus far to fully explain their nature.
 Although the spot seems inactive, it is actually the source of a powerful solar wind, emitting solar particles and gas into space at more than 800 kilometres per second.
Read more: http://english.ruvr.ru/news/2013_07_31/Huge-black-hole-discovered-on-surface-of-sun-5075/

A space telescope aimed at the sun has spotted a gigantic hole in the solar atmosphere — a dark spot that covers nearly a quarter of our closest star, spewing solar material and gas into space.
The so-called coronal hole over the sun's north pole came into view between July 13 and 18 and was observed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or SOHO. NASA released a video of the sun hole as seen by the SOHO spacecraft, showing the region as a vast dark spot surrounded by solar activity.
Coronal holes are darker, cooler regions of the sun's atmosphere, or corona, containing little solar material. In these gaps, magnetic field lines whip out into the solar wind rather than looping back to the sun's surface. Coronal holes can affect space weather, as they send solar particles streaming off the sun about three times faster than the slower wind unleashed elsewhere from the sun's atmosphere, according to a description from NASA.



